
The war behind the insults

Mar 6th 2008From The Economist print edition

The real enemy is the FARC guerrilla group and its Venezuelan supporter, not Colombia

This week it has seemed to the casual eye as if northern South America were on the brink of war. It began when Colombian forces bombed a camp just inside Ecuador, killing 21 FARC guerrillas including Raúl Reyes, a top commander. Venezuela's president, Hugo Chávez, chose to treat this as a casus belli. He broke off diplomatic relations and ordered troops to the border, warning Álvaro Uribe, Colombia's president, not to try anything similar against Venezuela. Ecuador's Rafael Correa, cautious at first, felt obliged to mimic his fellow leftist, breaking ties and moving troops up to his border.So far the three leaders have fired nothing deadlier than epithets (“genocidal”, “liar” and “lackey” were the small arms of this verbal battle). Yet this is the most serious diplomatic conflict in South America for more than a decade. Political brinkmanship could easily tip over into shooting.

Its root cause is the FARC, a guerrilla army founded in the 1960s whose anachronistic Marxist language conceals its degeneration into a predatory mafia of kidnappers and drug traffickers. In the 1990s it came close to making Colombia ungovernable. Then three years of talks—during which the FARC kidnapped many of the hostages who now constitute its main weapon—showed that it had no interest in peace or democracy. Colombia's elected leaders turned to the United States for military aid to match the cash that American drug consumers were giving the FARC and other mafia armies. Thanks to this aid and its own defence build-up, Mr Uribe's government has reduced the FARC, driving it deep into Colombia's jungles. But as long as the FARC's seven-man leadership remained at large, several of them apparently in camps across the borders, the guerrillas could claim to be winning—and so they have rejected genuine peace talks. That was why Mr Uribe authorised the bombing raid that killed Mr Reyes.Was he right to do so? One objection is that Mr Reyes was involved in talks to free FARC hostages, including Ingrid Betancourt, a Colombian who also holds French nationality. But weakening the FARC is more likely to free more captives (including Ms Betancourt). A second complaint is weightier: Colombia should have sought Mr Correa's consent before acting. But would the Ecuadoreans have tipped off the FARC? Colombia claims to have recovered Mr Reyes's laptops and says their contents point to connivance (see article). The Organisation of American States criticised Colombia, but did not condemn it outright as Ecuador wanted. Certainly Colombia should make a full apology. But in return it deserves greater co-operation from its neighbours. In a democratic South America there is no place for the FARC. But Mr Uribe has been better at security policy than at diplomacy. If some governments mistakenly see him merely as George Bush's proxy in their backyard, that is mainly because Colombia has failed to win wider sympathy for its beleaguered democracy. Danger: one imploding VenezuelanThe biggest threat in the region is not Colombia but Venezuela. Mr Chávez has recently veered towards outright support for the FARC. Colombia alleges that the captured laptops show that he gave the guerrillas $300m (and also that the FARC is seeking uranium for a “dirty” bomb). Mr Chávez's mismanagement of Venezuela's oil boom has made him increasingly unpopular at home. His regime runs a risk of imploding. A cornered Mr Chávez might think of a border skirmish as the perfect distraction—and as justification for more repression at home. Even as they scold Mr Uribe, Brazil and other South American countries should warn Venezuela that it is destabilising the continent—and it is high time it stopped.

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